UBC Law Review

UBC Law Review

& Franchise Law Review

Your Business Supplies

There are a number of products that just about every business needs to keep going. While these essential products aren’t usually noted for their importance, without them most organisations would grind to a halt and not be able to do anything. They’re the oil that keeps the engine of business running, and if you went without them, you’d suddenly find your company seizing up and refusing to go anywhere at all.

These products are, of course, your essential business supplies. We’re talking about those simple tools that can be found in every office and workplace, even though most people don’t even think about them and will merely assume that they’ll always be there. Whether it be the simplicity of being able to pick up a pen to note down some thoughts on a readily-available notepad, having a chair to sit in and a desk to put your computer on while you work, or simply making sure that the printer you send that work to is not only there, but has paper and ink within it so it can print it out, these products are the lifeblood of any business.

Often, the person responsible for ordering products like these isn’t noticed by the rest of the team within a company. They assume that this isn’t an important task, forgetting just how essential it is to the running of the business. No matter what your trade, someone has to ensure that the orders are made and the stock cupboards are kept up to date, otherwise nothing will get done anywhere in the business. The person who does this is often an unsung hero within the company, content to sit in the background and ensure that everyone has the equipment and products they need to do their job efficiently, but not wanting to draw any attention to themselves and the work they do to make this happen.

While these products are essential to the smooth running of any business, you shouldn’t forget that it’s possible to save money on purchasing them, while not compromising the efficiency of the company. Supplying these products is a competitive market, with many companies wanting your business, and if you run the sort of business that makes frequent and large orders for business supplies, you should use your power to see what savings they can offer you. If you’ve got a person dedicated to the ordering and management of these products – even if it’s as part of another job – they should already be doing this task, and ensuring that products are purchased at the lowest price and highest quality possible.

You should also consider how these products are used within your company. Again, if there’s a specialist person within your company who deals with them, ask for their advice and insight. Is one part of your company printing a lot less than others? Is someone using less stationery than everyone else? Ask them how they’re managing it and then let the rest of the company know. This way you can make savings across all your operations and look forward to a profitable future.