UBC Law Review

UBC Law Review

& Franchise Law Review

Choosing Franchise Agreement Services with Writing Skills


Franchise agreement services are a vital industry when it comes to business transactions or agreements of this special type.

The first and most important thing when choosing the right service, is to make sure they understand the significance of writing skill, both in general and in business writing.

Leaving no room for interpretation, misunderstandings or other problems is the first and most important thing in designing these documents. Any one of the franchise agreement services you choose should provide samples and templates of the document that display their understanding of the writing end of this endeavor. Without a template or some sort of demonstration, you’re taking a great risk.

Choosing Franchise Agreement Services that Appreciate Appearance

Franchise agreement services should also understand the importance of appearance in the document. It’s often the case that people assume that a strictly business document should be in austere plain text, with a ton of writing on each page.

This couldn’t be farther from the truth actually. When observing a service’s demonstration, take note of how much print they like to put on each page. It’s okay if the count of pages is longer, if it means that less text is put on each page. People don’t like having a huge block of text put in front of them in one place. It’s overwhelming and makes them want to skip over potentially critical information.

The color scheme and typefaces should not be overly ornate, but should be attractive, and easy to read as well. Choosing a font size and color that matches the background is critical.

Letterhead and organization of the writing inside the document is important too. The flow should be logical, and the letterhead should look professional, but not overstated.

Pay close attention to what sort of format they present their work in, and what sort of paper they use to print the hard copies of the document. The paper should be good quality and durable. This shows that you regard the document and its recipients with high regard of importance.

The format in which the computerized version is delivered matters greatly. Good franchise agreement services will offer a variety of formats for you to choose from. It’s best to ask for a word processor version, in case anything needs to be modified by yourself or the company with which you are dealing. But, you should also request a PDF of the final work. PDFs are secure, allow for a lot of styling and other visual features, and there are few systems that cannot read them.

In choosing the best franchise agreement service, you are showing that you care about total quality in everything you do, which matters to a company more than you could imagine