UBC Law Review

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Posts filed under Trademarks

The Cost Of A United States Trademark Registration

How much does it cost to receive a U.S. Trademark Registration?  Here is what you need to know about the costs involved in registering a trademark in the U.S. The ETEAS and ETEAS PLUS Systems The United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) charges either $275 or $325 per class of goods or services to… (read more)

Trademark Monitoring

After you’ve had your trademark application filed, it’s absolutely necessary that you monitor your trademark in some way. The USPTO does conduct a search of their own files so if someone does file for a Federal trademark after your registration it typically is rejected. However, relying on the USPTO to protect your trademark is a… (read more)

Trademarks: Benefits of a Trademark Search

When you are considering using trademarks it is always necessary to check for an existing trademark that is similar to yours so you can avoid potential legal issues in the future. It is important that you choose a trademark for your business that is unique and different from any others. This will ensure that your… (read more)