UBC Law Review

UBC Law Review

& Franchise Law Review

Why do you need a banking operations manual?

 Of the many documents a bank must manage and possess, a banking operations manual is one of the most critical.

Banks are one of the most age-old institutions in human society, descending from the old grain and resource storage facilities of ancient Egypt and Babylon, predating money itself.

Banks are one of the institutions that has to run no matter what disasters are hitting the world. They are one of the few organizations that run a steady level of business regardless what the economy may do from one moment to the next.

Since every business, every government and almost every citizen in the world depends on a banking institution for security, reliability and profit with their investments and savings, doing things properly is important here. Banks have strict regulations, procedures and security practices that they must strictly teach their staff.

This is why a properly thought out banking operations manual is a very vital thing to ensure that procedures are always properly handled in your banking institution.

Banking operations manuals are a good way to not only instruct staff on the operations and procedures your institution has in place, but to also ensure that this information and training stays with them in the future.

Also, a banking operations manual is a great written reference when unpredictable questions from customers or unforeseen scenarios arise. When dealing with the public, this is something to always bear in mind and be prepared for.

When asked about procedures and security, if the question is unrelated to something classified, anoperations manual is also great for presenting your customers with eloquent answers.

 Does appearance matter in a banking operations manual?

While appearance certainly isn’t everything with a banking operations manual, it does matter a fair deal. When a manual of any sort is printed in a neat, orderly manner, this makes it easier to read. Making it easier to read means trainees and customers can absorb the information more easily and pleasantly.

Also, it any printed material coming from your bank represents your business and as such, your baking operations manual should have a professional appearance, and be easy on the eyes.

Ultimately, not only does thebanking operations manual need to be laid out, worded and categorized cleanly, but it also must look professional. These things in mind, it’s an excellent to have it designed by a team that has a gift for words and for design.